Can a Romanian business be impactful on the national HR market?
Thinking of Romania’s 34 years of democracy, and most probably its 25-30 years of a business environment based on healthy capitalism principles, we presume that 20 years of experience in the Romanian HR market make us relevant. Two decades of experience during which we, the people of the Edurom Group, have lived in various contexts, […]
Poate avea un business românesc impact pe piața de HR de la noi?
Dacă ne gândim la faptul că în România avem 34 de ani de democrație, și cel mai probabil 25-30 de ani cu un mediu de afaceri care funcționează după principii sănătoase de capitalism, 20 de ani de experiență pe piața de HR românească, credem că sunt relevanți. Două decenii de experiențe pe care noi, cei […]
”Cunoaștem oameni”. EDUROM & Oana Pellea
Together with a true professional, we bring under the spotlight the challenging road of discovering the human being… A road that our colleagues in Edurom take every day to assist people, teams and businesses in reaching the desired goals… Watch the video below. #Romania #EDUROMRecruitment #EDUROMTraining #EDUROMConsultancy Protagonists in the video and in everyday […]